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STAR SOFT DESIGN - O poarta catre lumea virtuala. Web design, web developement,E-commerce solution, small ERP solution,independent software provider,SAP, SAP R/3,Web hosting. web hosting, gazduire web, web site, web design, nume doneniu, inregistrare nume, web site gratuit, gratis, free web hosting, design, spatiu gazduire web, spatiu internet, publicitate internet, preturi mici, business, web hosting firme, domain names, web hosting accesibil, nume domenii, web hosting ieftin, webmaster, solutii web design, marketing, advertising, blog, blogs, weblog, web log, weblogs, internet marketing, internet advertising


Founded in 1972 as Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing, SAP is the recognized leader in providing collaborative business solutions for all types of industries and for every major market. SAP has leveraged our extensive experience to deliver a comprehensive range of solutions to empower every aspect of business operations. By using SAP solutions, organizations of all sizes � including small businesses and midsize companies � can reduce costs, improve performance, and gain the agility to respond to changing business needs.

STAR SOFT DESIGN will provide Romanian Payroll knowledge in SAP HR and will coordinate the implementation of SAP Personnel Administration and Payroll calculation. STAR SOFT DESIGN will also, on request, provide development skills, to make sure, that data transfers, interfaces and customer specific evaluations will be ready in time.
SAP services provide by STAR SOFT DESIGN : :

  • The existing systems analysis,
  • Blueprint construction,
  • SAP system configuration,
  • Reports realization,
  • Functionality testing,
  • The writing of the programs needed for the data to migrate;,
  • Users training
  • The migration of the legacy systems in SAP,
  • Exploitation support,
  • The administration of the deadlines
 design by StarSoft Design

All rights reserved © 2003- 2025 STARSOFT DESIGN